Todays low temperature of 37.6°F broke the monthly low of 41.2°F set on 10/08/2024 by -3.6°
Todays low wind chill of 37.6°F broke the monthly low of 41.2°F set on 10/08/2024 by -3.6°
Todays low dew point of 36.3°F broke the monthly low of 39.4°F set on 10/08/2024 by -3.1°
Todays low wind chill of 37.6°F broke the monthly low of 41.2°F set on 10/08/2024 by -3.6°
Todays low dew point of 36.3°F broke the monthly low of 39.4°F set on 10/08/2024 by -3.1°
Updated: @ |
Partly cloudy
Rain Rate Per Hour 0.013 in
54.2°F Temp Trend --- Heat Index: °F 24-hr difference 0.6°F |
Today | Yesterday | |
High | 60.3°F @ 1:10pm | 62.7°F @ 1:38pm |
Low | 37.6°F @ 3:04am | 41.2°F @ 11:55pm |
Record Temperatures This Date | |
Last Year High 56.3°F |
Last Year Low 40.4°F |
Station Record High 70.3°F - 2021 |
Station Record Low 38.0°F - 2020 |
Wind | Air Quality | |
WSW 5.9 Gust: 9.0 mph |
59 |
2 Bft - Light Breeze | ||
Max Gust Today at 1:40pm | 26.0 mph | |
Max Gust This month on October 6 | 26.0 mph |
Dewpoint, Humidity & Barometer
Humidity: | % |
Dew Point: | °F |
Barometer: | mb |
Baro Trend: | Falling slowly |
Rain Today: | 0.12 in |
Last 24 Hours: | 0.12 in |
Rain Yesterday: | 0.10 in |
Storm Rain: | 0.22 in |
October Total: | 0.51 in |
Season Total: | 28.94 in |
Short Term Forecast
This Afternoon Scattered Rain Showers Hi 56 °F |
Tonight Scattered Rain Showers Lo 42 °F |
Thursday Partly Sunny Hi 54 °F |
UV Index Forecast & Fire Risk | |||||||||
Oct-10 3.2 |
Oct-11 3.4 |
Oct-12 3.5 |
Oct-13 3.1 |
Oct-14 2.8 |
Oct-15 2.6 |
Currently: -0.0 at 4:19 PM |
Almanac | Moon |
Sunrise: 7:21am
Sunset: 6:41pm
Moonrise: 2:24pm
Moonset: 9:32pm
Waxing Crescent 40% Illuminated |