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Custom Scanner Programming


Before you decide on a new scanner please watch the short video below that explains what could possibly happen with digital recption and clarity based on the scanner you pick if you live in Niagara,Orleans or Genesee Counties. Depeding where you live your scanner could be perfectly clear with the cheaper options if not you would have to get the higher end options. You really won't know until you try it.


As of 11/21/24 Niagara Falls Police have turned off the old analog channel 460.375 and is now only digital. If you have an old analog scanner you will need to buy a new digital scanner to hear them. Niagara Falls Fire have also switched to digital but for the time being the old analog channel is still on but that could go off at any time.

For those of you looking to buy a new scanner,please private message me on the Niagara County Fire Wire Facebook Page before buying. I'll give you the best recommendation on what to buy & where to get it, based on your needs and budget. Many people spend money only to find out it is incompatible or overpriced.

I will custom program any capable scanner new or used for you with the following features.

1- Upgrade scanner to the latest firmware.

2- Install the entire Niagara County digital system (or any other county) plus any extra channels you would like.

3- If your scanner is playing garbled channels it was programmed incorrectly and I will correct that problem.

4- Delete all of the extra channels that are not needed.

5- Create banks so you will be able to easily turn on and off individual channels or departments.

6- When I am done I will show you how to use your scanner and answer any questions you have.

7- I will have your scanner programmed in 1 hour and I will print out your custom list of channels.

8- If your scanner is a Radio Shack & you let them program it, you are missing things and you won't have much control of the scanner. I can also fix that for you.

Here are the scanners in order, in my opinion, based on how well they will work with the Niagara County Digital system.

I do not sell any scanners I only program them.The prices below were as of 11/28/2024.

Uniden is coming out with two new digital scanners in March 2024. BCD260N & BCD160DN. They WILL NOT work with any P25 digital Fire or Police system in WNY.


If you want to listen to Niagara County Fire & Police and or Niagara Falls only, My personal pick is the Unication G2 and its not even close. I have used this as my portable for 5 years with zero issues -No simulcast issues at all voice is always clear with zero distortion - Battery lasts all day- It is small and can fit in a shirt pocket- can be used as a pager or a scanner- Durable I have dropped mine so many times with no issues - Simple to operate

1-Unication G2- $631.75 - BEST PORTABLE FOR DIGITAL FOR NIAGARA COUNTY ONLY or Unication G5- $731.99 for Niagara & Orleans & Genesee County ( Can only listen to one County at a time)

PROS-No distortion anywhere in the county on digital-Receives farther distances then others-Small with crisp audio-Super long battery life (24+ Hours)-No antenna needed (Built in on G5)-Sturdy build & waterproof-Can also work as a pager that records calls.-Vibrate Mode.

CONS-Can only monitor one County digital system at once- it also can not monitor digital and analog at the same time.No replay feature-can't show all of the full unit IDs on display 1000 max-Expensive

2-Uniden SDS10O- $649.00- PROS-No distortion anywhere in the county on digital-Nice color display-Can monitor multiple counties at the same time(If in Range)-Replay feature-Can show all and full unit IDs (If programmed).

CONS-Analog isn't very good if you want Erie County and Don't live in Erie County-Bulky-Battery life isn't nearly as long as Unication G2 or G5-Not sturdy cheap plastic case,i would be afraild to drop this-Expensive

3 Uniden BCD325P2- $322.69- PROS-Bright Screen-Can monitor multiple counties at once (If in Range)-Moderate Price-Digital is decent for most people-Analog works great.

CONS-Could have some minor to moderate distortion at times on digital in different areas in the county, but it could be perfectly clear you won't really know until you try it -smaller screen size-No replay- Shows some Unit IDs (if programmed) but there is a limit and they will be cut off due to smaller screen size.

4 Uniden BCD436- $ 549.00- PROS-Replay feature-Can monitor multiple counties at once (If in range)Can Show all unit IDs (if programmed)- Digital is decent for most people

CONS-Slow scan speed -Could have some minor to moderate distortion at times on digital in different areas in the county, but it could be perfectly clear you won't really know until you try it. Shows all unit IDs however they will be cut off a little compared to SDS100-Bigger display than BCD325P2 but harder to read when outside in sunlight.-Not worth the extra money compared to the BCD325P2 or SDS100 or unication G2


PROS-No distortion anywhere in the county on digital-Nice color display-Can monitor multiple counties at once (If in Range)-Replay feature-Can show all and full unit ids (If programmed).

CONS-Analog isn't very good if you want Erie County and don't live in Erie County-Expensive

2 Uniden BCD996P2- $377.41 PROS-Bright Screen-Can monitor multiple counties at once (If in Range)-Moderate Price-Digital is decent for most people-Analog works great.

CONS-Could have some minor to moderate distortion at times on digital in different areas in the county, but it could be perfectly clear you won't really know until you try it-smaller screen size-No replay- Shows some Unit IDs (if programmed) but there is a limit and they will be cut off due to smaller screen size.

3 Uniden BCD536- $649.00 PROS-Replay feature-Can monitor multiple counties at once (If in range)Can Show all unit ids (if programmed)-Digital is decent for most people

CONS- Slow scan speed- Could have some minor to moderate distortion at times on digital in different areas in the county, but it could be perfectly clear you won't really know until you try it. Shows all unit IDs (if programmed) however they will be cut off a little compared to SDS100-Bigger display than BCD996P2 but harder to read when outside in sunlight.-Not worth the extra money at this price point spend the extra 50 bucks and get the SDS200

If your scanner has a zip code mode method do NOT use it. You will get 100's of extra channels from miles away that you will have no interest in. Also you will have very little control with turning things on and off and you will end up missing most of the things that you really want to hear.

Click the link to message me on the Niagara County Fire Wire page for pricing or any other questions.Message Niagara County Fire Wire

Here is a list of the channels you will receive with the Niagara County digital system


NC Fire Dispatch

NC Fire Tac 1-7.

NC Fire EMS Tac



*Niagara Falls Fire Dispatch

County Fire Command Channels

Fire Announce

Sheriff Dispatch

Sheriff Data

Sheriff Secondary

Sheriff Ops 1-2

Sheriff Emergency Revert

Sheriff Announce

LE County 1-4

Lockport Police

North Tonawanda Police

NYS Park Police

*Niagara Falls Police

Fire Department 1-4

*Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital Security

Public Safety 1-4

County Wide 1-4

County Highway

Towns of Cambria,Niagara,Wheatfield Highway

Towns of Lockport,Pendleton,Royalton Highway

Towns of Newfane,Somerset Highway

Towns of Lewiston,Porter,Wilson Highway

All Villages in Niagara County Highway

Fashion Outlet Mall Security

Fashion Outlet Mall Housekeeping

Sheriff also dispatches for the following

NYS Police

Town Of Niagara Police

Lewiston Police

Youngstown Police

Middleport Police

Sommerset Police
